Volunteer for a Committee 

Committees are now being seated for the 2024 – 2026 Committee term. Staff will work diligently to find available opportunities where possible. Please use the link below to sign up for up to 3 committees, which will permit Staff to find an opportunity of interest to everyone. 

Volunteer Today!

Member participation in ACCP committees is vital to the growth and development of the organization and joining a committee is one of the easiest ways to get involved in the society. In June of even-numbered years, a Call for Volunteers goes out. Committee participation is a two-year commitment, from September to September, consistent with the change in ACCP Leadership. Committees work best with representation across the diverse ACCP membership, including Students, Trainees & Early-stage Professionals, and so all interested in service are encouraged to apply. ACCP Committees are seated for two-year terms and run from September – September of even-numbered years. New Members wishing to join a committee should contact [email protected].

Participation in committees is limited to ACCP Members in good standing, and Members are selected for participation in only one committee per two-year cycle. Members may be invited to join committees outside the regular cycle to fill vacancies or provide additional resources as needed. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Once selected for a committee, Members are expected to actively participate in the responsibilities of the committee, both inside and outside of committee meetings, to support the activities and goals of the society. Participation is documented and committee members who do not actively participate may be asked to leave the committee and return at a time when they can again actively participate.

Annual Meeting Program Committee – Develops and oversees the program for the Annual Meeting, including selection of the educational events and decisions about other programming. This committee is seated approximately 18 months in advance of the event and meets frequently virtually, as well as in person at the Annual Meeting. Key elements of committee participation include early planning for the meeting, reviewing and scoring Annual Meeting educational-event Proposals and Abstracts, attending regularly-scheduled conference calls and attending the Annual Meeting. Annual Meeting Program Committee Charter Please note this committee operates on an advanced cycle (March to March) and so is already seated for 2025.

ByLaws Committee – Oversees modifications to the governing documents of the society to ensure contemporary, relevant governance, policies and procedures. The committee is convened virtually as required when changes are being considered. ByLaws Committee Charter

Credentials Committee – Restricted to Fellows, the committee reviews all membership applications and makes recommendations on applicants to the Board of Regents. The committee meets virtually as needed to support the application review process that occurs three times per year, in advance of the Board of Regents meetings. Credentials Committee Charter

Early-stage Professionals (ESP) Committee – Comprised of Early-stage Professional colleagues 1 - 10 years into their first full-time position, this committee focuses on key elements scientific excellence and soft skills required to achieve professional success. An additional element of the committee is Mentoring and collaboration with Students & Trainees who are seeking guidance as they prepare to transition to full-time careers The committee meets virtually each month to develop and support its programs. Early-stage Professionals Committee Charter

Education Committee – Responsible for the overall education program for the society including general oversight, planning and supporting efforts to address the learning needs of the membership, reviewing and adjusting programming based upon learner and program evaluations, ensuring ACPE and ACCME accreditation requirements are met and making recommendations to the Board of Regents. The committee meets in person at the Annual Meeting and virtually as needed throughout the year. Committee members are selected to represent the breadth of affiliations and degrees in the membership. Individual duties may include: voting by email several times per year, completing CE documentation for webinars and Journal CE, participating as Moderators in webinars and reviewing Annual Meeting Abstracts. The CE Compliance Subcommittee is an active subcommittee that serves to develop and perform peer reviews of the compliance materials for each educational course. Active engagement and prompt turnaround is needed from all committee members. Education Committee Charter

Finance Committee – Restricted to Fellows, the committee oversees ACCP’s finances and investments and proposes financial policies for consideration by the Board. The committee meets virtually five - six times per year and in person at the Annual Meeting. Finance Committee Charter

Honors & Awards Committee – Works with Staff to develop a slate of candidates for the ACCP Recognition Awards presented at the Annual Meeting. The committee meets in person at the Annual Meeting and frequently virtually between November and January to review nominations and determine the recommended award recipients for approval by the Board. Honors & Awards Committee Charter

Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity Committee – The main purpose of the Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity Committee is to move beyond the typically adhered to balance in degrees and affiliations to develop and implement guidances to ensure that ACCP is mindful of a social balance in its activities and programming that provides an atmosphere of opportunity for all persons in the society. These guidances may be as per the Strategic Plan or as devised by the Committee separate from the Strategic Plan. If implemented correctly, ACCP will effectively meet the needs of its Member, engage them in society activities and also attract new Members to whom the opportunities appeal. Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity Committee Charter

Membership Committee – The committee meets virtually each month and in person at the Annual Meeting. The charge of the committee is to deal with member-related issues presented to it by the Board, Staff or ACCP membership and to make recommendations based on the above-noted issues. Membership Committee Charter

Nominating Committee – Restricted to Fellows, the committee develops slates of candidates for the elections of Regents and Officers. The committee meets virtually on an as required basis to meet ACCP’s election needs. Please note, this committee is selected by the President Elect. Nominating Committee Charter

Public Policy Committee  The primary goal of the Committee is to explain the importance of clinical pharmacology in the effort to ensure the optimal use of therapeutics to improve healthcare for all. The committee develops a series of manuscripts for publication each year to ensure that ACCP's views are presented to the public. This effort may be in concert with other organizations to articulate a common viewpoint. The committee meets virtually each month and in person at the Annual Meeting. Committee members work individually to develop the Policy Papers, which are then reviewed by the committee for approval by the Board. Public Policy Committee Charter

Publications Committee – 
The committee supports the business of the journals, including but not limited to, activities to encourage members to publish in the JCP and CPDD and periodically the selection of Editors and publishers. The committee usually meets virtually as required and in person at the Annual Meeting. Publications Committee Charter

Student, Trainee & Early-stage Professionals (STEP) Committee –
The committee strives to increase the participation in ACCP of undergraduate & graduate Students, Trainees/post-doctoral fellows and Early-stage Professionals 1 - 3 years into their full-time careers. This is done by developing and supporting activities to increase the awareness of and career opportunities of clinical pharmacology, including the Mentoring Program. The ongoing initiatives include: providing educational resources and leadership opportunities, encouraging publications by Students, Trainees and Early-stage Professionals and developing Student/Trainee- and Early-stage Professional-specific events for the ACCP Annual Meeting. The committee meets virtually each month and as otherwise required to support programs. Student, Trainee & Early-stage Professionals Committee Charter