ACCP365 Mobile App

ACCP gratefully acknowledges the support of AMGEN® as the ACCP365 Mobile App Sponsor for the 2024 Annual Meeting!

ACCP365 Mobile App QR CodeThe ACCP365 Mobile App is ACCP’s year-round access mobile app. More than just a meeting app, it’s an all access pass to everything about ACCP, any time, any place! Use the QR Code to download the ACCP365 Mobile App now to get access to:

  • The Connect feature to network directly with Members;
  • Visit;
  • Renew your membership;
  • Register for the ACCP Annual Meeting or other educational events;
  • Watch ACCP On Demand educational webinars;
  • Access JCP & CPDD journals;
  • Have on-the-go access to the ACCP Membership Directory;
  • Review new job listings in the ACCP Job Center;
  • Use ACCP Alerts to stay up-to-date on the latest in clinical pharmacology and ACCP News;
  • Access your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

ACCP365 also provides pertinent ACCP Annual Meeting information such as:

  • Access to lists of Attendees, Faculty Speakers, Exhibitors & Sponsors;
  • Use the Connect feature to network directly with Attendees;
  • Easily review a schedule of daily Sessions, Poster Presentations & Special Events;
  • Download Symposia Syllabi;
  • Direct links to complete Session Evaluations and Post-event Self-assessments;
  • Take notes specific to Sessions & Attendees;
  • Ability to participate in ACCP’s Game Zone where you can accumulate points by scanning QR codes associated with Sessions you attend, completing a quiz or completing Session Evaluations and Post-event Self-assessments. The Attendee with the most points will win a $50 gift card which will be mailed after the ACCP Annual Meeting!
  • Learn more about the ACCP Recognition & Student Award Winners.

How ACCP365 enhances your experience with ACCP at the Annual Meeting and beyond


With colleagues and peers throughout the year


On Demand webinars, ACCP Journals, ACCP Job Center and more while on the go 24/7/365

Device Compatibility:
The following is a list of minimum OS versions required to install the ACCP365 Mobile App:
iOS: v11 or later
Android: v6 or later