Reinstate Your ACCP Membership

Interested in reinstating your membership? Contact [email protected] for an invoice to be created for payment and/or to obtain your login credentials. Please DO NOT create a duplicate profile in the attempt to pay your dues.   

Reinstate now and enjoy the benefits of sustained membership: 

  • ACCP is a scientific community of integrity and transparency that offers equal support and opportunities to all Members to interact, learn and progress in their scientific careers and to promote clinical pharmacology in research, drug development and patient care;
  • Make ACCP your home society with a global community of clinical pharmacology professionals that brings diverse groups and backgrounds together over common interests and provides a sense of belonging where you can share your research and learn from others;
  • Maintain a connection to the science and colleagues that are not part of your day-to-day professional responsibilities; groups and backgrounds together over common interests and provides a sense of belonging where you can share your research and learn from others;
  • Stay current on technologies with exceptional educational events: The range of webinars provided caters to professionals across the spectrum, whether you are looking to get started in your career or wanting to grow your skills, our educational and professional development programs are versatile and meet learner needs at all stages of your career;
  • ACCP’s warm and welcoming environment and its intimate nature offers a personal touch that differentiates ACCP from other societies and is a part of the culture from Leadership to all Members;
  • ACCP’s devotion to helping Student, Trainee & Early-stage Professional (STEP & ESP) colleagues establish career paths in clinical pharmacology;
  • Accessing great journals to keep up in the field and in which your manuscripts can be published.

Career growth is a continuous journey and ACCP offers career development resources such as STEP & ESP focused webinars, a mentoring program and the job center - tools and resources that can help you stand out. From Students & Trainees to Early-stage Professionals and established professional colleagues, ACCP offers the tools and support you need – when you need them – to achieve professional success.

As a truly Member-focused/Member-driven organization with high financial standards, ACCP is dedicated to effectively serving the global clinical pharmacology community and has implemented a robust Strategic Plan to support critical initiatives. ACCP remains committed to the philosophy of Inclusivity, Diversity & Equity (IDE) in all phases of its operations and programming. Get involved and stay on top of your professional game by volunteering for one of ACCP’s Committees or engaging in other ways to fulfill individual goals while working together to achieve organizational goals. See the entire list and ACCP Member Benefits. 

ACCP offers a multi-year payment fee structure (2 years or more) for all membership types, please contact [email protected] to make a multi-year payment.

If you do not know your credentials or are locked out, please contact [email protected] for assistance. 

Please note: Dues revenue is used to support ACCP’s programming. Payment of dues is not a charitable donation and is not tax deductible.